on-line catalogue and forum for the exhibition GOT NO PUPPAMUMMA, of collaborative work by James Deutsher and Hao Guo and supported by p-10 curatorial team, SINGAPORE 2006. Including international launch of HAO GUO MAGAZINE, on art, fashion and ideas, edited by Liv Barrett catalogue published by James Deutsher

August 29, 2006

1 comment:

iggy said...

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About Me

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I have a Nato Fukasawa K-Series lamp and it makes me feel so much lighter and its folds echo through everything (I am trying to make fake ones). It was good to see this lamp sitting on a concrete floor when I was reading Nakako Hayashi's prolific magazine Here and There, House and Garden Issue. Vain and stumbling I pissed in an empty Channel No. 5 bottle. My friend introduced me to Mont Bell and I love it. Ai Weiwei's studio design still blows me away. Hao Guo introduced me to Wang Xiaobo and I love him for that and much more. Born California, 1984. Lived in Melbourne, Australia. Part of Y3K, Jah Jah Sphinx, Evergreen Terrace, World Food. I’ve worked with Christopher L.G. Hill, Clubs Projects, Hao Guo, Liv Barrett, A Constructed World and more. Shown through ffiXXed, VCA, CLUBS projects, Uplands Gallery, p-10, Enjoy, MCA, Joint Hassles, Gambia Castle, Blogger, ACCA, ACW, errors, deceits, mistakes. I make sculpture more or less, work with others, some ideas on cheap design, and doing the gallery.